Requests Section (Under Construction)

This section allows you to submit pictures that you would like to be edited. Please note that images that are to be submitted must be of decent resolution - preferably larger than 500 x 500 pixels. Also note that images should not exceed 300 kb. To submit your image, select the "Browse" button below to select the image you want to upload or type in the link into the text box provided. When complete, click on the Submit button.

[FrontPage File Upload Component]

Please use alternative provided below...
The alternative to submitting images would be to upload the images to the DOArtwork yahoo group here. To upload the image in the group, go to the "Photos" section. Then to the "Picture Submissions" folder. Once in the folder, click "Add Photo" and follow the instructions. Remember that access to the Photos section requires that you join the DOArtwork yahoo group.